Chapter 13 First Impression

First, I took the Jung Typology Test from Human Metrics. My letters are ENFJ. I am distinctly extraverted and judgmental. This is accurate because I am outgoing and affirmative in my choices. I am moderately intuitive and feeling. I go with what I think is best, but also factor in my peers’ opinions and facts. I have a decent blend between making my decisions based on emotions and facts. An ENFJ is organized, helpful, decisive, and have great social skills. Because these skills match my personality, this test is accurate. The test is credible because it uses Jung’s commonly used test, the test questions were relevant, and the results were similar to the ones from other websites.

I also took a test from the Personality Test Center. It used this or that scenarios. I was also scored as an ENFJ. Since my result was repeated from the last test and shows characteristics of my personality, it is accurate. The test seems credible because it utilized Jung’s way of classification, which is widely accepted.

The next test was from the Open Source Psychometrics Project. It is the “Big Five” personality test. I can assume that it is credible since it is recommended for scientific validity and used in psychological research. There were five measurements of agreeability for each statement. For this test, I rarely had a neutral selection. My choices were either that I strongly agree or strongly disagree. The test stated that I am 96% extroverted, 7% emotionally stable, 91% agreeable, 97% consciencious, and 52% intellectual/imaginative. I think that I am more emotionally stable than 7%, but other than that, the results lined up with my personality well.

The last test was the Color Quiz. It is popular among doctors, psychologists, and universities across Europe, so I can assume that it is credible. I am not fully convinced that personality can be determined by how somebody chooses colored squares, however I believe in it slightly because my results seemed accurate. The test said that I am emotional, have no tolerance for arrogance, keep peace, and feels the need to fulfill my dreams.

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