Chapter 12 First Impression

For this assignment, I took two of the Implicit Association Tests. The first test assessed my preference of races. The test said that I have a moderate automatic preference for light over dark skinned people. Personally, I do not think I have a preference of color. The test showed images of light skinned people, dark skinned people, positive adjectives, and negative adjectives. I had to sort the images or words in to two piles, depending on what the test was taking for. First, the test associated light skinned people with positive adjectives. After a few rounds, the test associated dark skinned people with positive adjectives. Although I made no errors, it took me a longer amount of time when the darker people were associated with positive adjectives. I believe this is because I was accustomed to associating light people with positive adjectives, and when they were switched, I had to think harder, not because I am racist. I am a light skinned person, so perhaps my unconscious thoughts determined the result. The test said that my preference was only moderate, which is almost accurate.

The second assessment followed a similar procedure. The letter “Z” was said to be “good,” while the letter “Q” was said to be “bad”. There were pictures of meat and vegetables. First, I had to but the “good” letter and vegetables together. I made no errors, and completed the rounds quickly. Then, I had to associate the “good” letter with meat. I made four errors, and it took a longer time to complete. I had a hard time connecting meat with something positive. The results said that I have a strong automatic preference for vegetables over meat. This is accurate because I have been vegan for two years, and vegetarian for thirteen years.

One thought on “Chapter 12 First Impression

  1. For one of the two tests that I had taken, I had completed the same test that you outlined at the beginning of your post. To my surprise, I had also received similar results. This being the first test that I had taken, I also had to adjust for the unexpected changes. Although, this may be a somewhat valid excuse for the first test it may also be possible that some of us hold slight biases or stereotypes towards different groups even if we are not actively aware of these minor biases. As we all know, this can be due to a variety of situations whilst we are growing up and is often a result of individuals not interacting with people of different ethnicity or the lack of ethnic diversity in schools or even in neighborhoods. Thank you for sharing the results from your test, this was very interesting!


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